Affandi Museum

As a world-class painter, Affandi has various collections
which is partly a paper painting, watercolor, pastel and oil paint with a total
of about 300 pieces. In addition to collecting his own paintings, he also
collected his collagues’ paintings namely Sudjojono, Hendra Gunawan,
Barli, Mochtar Apin, Popo Iskandar and others. Some of the collections in this museum are Sedan Mitsubishi Gallant 1975, Bike Reliegh
1975, the family-owned painting of Maryati, Kartika, Rukmini, Juki Affandi and so forth.
1975, the family-owned painting of Maryati, Kartika, Rukmini, Juki Affandi and so forth.

Opening hours
• Sunday 09:00 pm - 13:00 pm
• Every day at 09.00 am - 16.00 pm

• Gallery
• Studio
• Swimming pool
• Café
• Library
• The gift shop
• Parking lot fare
• International visitors: $ 5 (free soft drinks + souvenirs)
• visitor (local): $ 2 (free soft drinks)
• camera / video: $ 2
• mobile camera (hp): $1
• camera (group visitors): $ 5 (10 person)
Affandi Museum is located at Jalan Adisucipto Laksda 167, the
main road that
connects the city of Yogyakarta and Solo, on the west bank of the Gajahwong. We
can get there by train from the city of Jakarta and takes about 8 hours and
from Tugu train station is only 4 km or take 10 minutes on a motorbike or car.
Official wesite
Maps in Here
Images Source :
Instagram : ynrsurya
Instagram : henricus.adhitiya
Instagram : nanion2603
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