
Maranggi Satay

9:09 AM

Maranggi Satay or Sate Maranggi

Maranggi satay or Sate Maranggi is a typical food of Purwakarta, Indonesia in the form of slices of lamb or beef through a roasting process, pierced by a small bamboo. Characteristic of this satay compare to other Indonesian satay is the seasoning process done by soaking the meat with seasoning such as soy sauce or sugar and some spices, such as ginger, coriander, galangal, turmeric, plus a little vinegar. So sate maranggi has its own taste when served.

Usually, sate maranggi is served with white rice or toasted sticky rice with oncom and soy sauce as the seasoning, and  coconut ice as the drink. In the town of Purwakarta there are many sate maranggi stalls. The food is very famous among the people of Indonesia. It is unfortunate if you stop in the city of Purwakarta but did not try sate maranggi because it is very tasty and delicious.
Purwakarta itself can be reached from Jakarta in only about 1.5 hours using car as it is only 90 kilometers away from the capital city of Indonesia.

Indonesian special food
Food of west Java
Typical food of Purwakarta
Sate maranggi Indonesia
Sate Indonesia
The most delicious satay in the world
The most delicious satay in Indonesia

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