
The Combination of Three Beautiful Waterfalls

10:02 AM

Cikaso Waterfall (Curug Cikaso)

One of the main tourist visited in western Java is a waterfall tour or the Sundanese called Curug. One of them is a waterfall located in Kampung Cikaso Ciniti, Cibitung Village - Sukabumi, Indonesia. This Curug is also called by the name of Curug Luhur. It has three points flow, each names are Curug Aseupan, Curug Meow, and Curug Aki.

This waterfall is named Cikaso because the water comes from tributaries of Cikaso, then a lot of people called it the Cikaso waterfall. This waterfall has three drains, all of which flow into a holding pond right underneath. Two waterfalls flow is clearly visible while the other is somewhat hindered by cliffs. The color of the water in reservoirs is affected by blue-green algae that exist underneath.

The water here is abundant, gushing into the pool of turquoise-colored (blue-green) underneath, producing water mist that is cool and refreshing. The waterdrops clinging to the surrounding foliage between its roar produces music in harmony with the natural surroundings.

This waterfall is more beautiful to be enjoyed when the water flow is rising because the water gush more rapid and more powerful roar. However, visitors who are tempted to swim have to be careful because the pond is deep enough, about 15 meters, and there is a whirlpool under water that is strong enough. It is better for you to ask the waterfall guard what section that is safe enough for swimming.

This waterfall is 110 kilometers from Sukabumi and is approximately 250 kilometers from Soekarno Hatta International Airport in Jakarta. When reached by car, travel time can be up to 6 hours.

3 point outpouring Waterfall

Waterfall in Indonesia
Turquoise waterfall 

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