
Calling the Fish in Bakaro Beach

11:12 AM

One of the tourist destinations in the city of Manokwari, Papua is the beautiful Bakaro Beach.

Bakaro beach is located in the North coast of Manokwari. On this beach we can do activities such as fishing, swimming, and enjoying the beach. The beach is the same as the beaches in Papua, with white sand, clear blue and green water. Bakaro beach is located 3 km to the east of the White Sand Beach.

This beach is famous for the tradition of calling the fish. The locals usually call the fish with a whistle made of blown shells. Fishes of various sizes from the smallest (about five centimeters) to the largest (the size of adult palm) will come straight out to greet the whistle. After the fish come near us then we can feed them. This ritual is still exists in Bakaro Beach.

Character of this rocky beach also enables the visitors to approach the middle of the beach when the sea is receded. From here visitors can see directly the clear bottom of this beach where the fishes congregate.

Image sources:
Instagram : @gieschaputri
Instagram : @kresnabayu2305

Calling the fish
Fish whistle
Beautiful beach in Papua
unique beach

beach tradition 

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