
Paris Van Java

8:02 AM

Bandung City.

Bandung is the capital city of West Java Province. The city is famous for its cool weather and is surrounded by mountains, especially the area north of Bandung. In ancient times Bandung dubbed as Parijs van Java (Paris of Java)

The nickname "Parijs van Java" given by The Dutch people is not to show the beauty and modernity as in Paris, but rather to show the beauty and elegance of mojang Priangan (Sundanese Women) at the time, which is similar to the life and loveliness of women in Paris.
Until today Bandung still known as "Parijs van Java" which is believed to also be the center of fashion in Indonesia.

In addition, the city of Bandung is also paradise for culinary lovers in Indonesia and even the world, almost all types of Indonesian cuisine can be found in city of Bandung.

There are dozens of popular tourist attractions in the city ranging from natural attractions such as mountains, zoos, parks, shopping places, etc. Therefore, it is no wonder if Bandung is one of the most visited city destination desired by many people in Indonesia, especially by the youngsters.

Bandung city can be reached for 4 hours by car from the international airport of Soekarno Hatta Jakarta.

City destinations in Indonesia
City dubbed paris van java
Fashion city in Indonesia
A culinary paradise in Indonesia

Educational city in Indonesia

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